Live geek or die tryin'

GitHub: Free Plans for Students and Teachers

I’ll be soon working on a school project, which led me to look for a place where to version my code.

Since I use GitHub daily, I checked its plans first. The cheapest one, called micro, gives 5 private repos for $7/month. I unfortunately only need a single private repo, and I don’t want to pay for 4 ones that I probably won’t be using.

Although I knew about Bitbucket’s free private repos, the ideas of leaving GitHub and having my repos here and there didn’t please me that much.

Luckily, I stumbled upon GitHub’s Educational offers, that are available to both teachers and students.
The teachers’ offer concerns organization accounts. And the students’ one on the other hand is simply a micro plan, and lasts 2 years, enough to get your ass a job and pay a subscription.


To benefit from this offer, just contact GitHub from the Request an educational account page.
Make sure you are logged in with the account you want the plan for, and tell them why you need it.

Thank you GitHub!

Programming Motherfucker
